What's NewCourt Action Update (Dec 22, 2024) - Climate Litigation updates and policy for Climate Action
Dec 23, 2024 - Saskatchewan Stands to Benefit from Compliance with the Federal Clean Electricity Regulations – David Maenz
March 5, 2024 - Update on Clean Electricity Regulations - ECCC proposed design options and SCSD responds:
Media Release - SCSD proposes “Saskatchewan Equivalency” to federal Clean Electricity Regulations
Proposed Clean Electricity Regulations public consultation ended Nov 2, 2023; View submitted comments online - https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2023/2023-08-19/html/reg1-eng.html
October 30, 2023 - Transitioning Saskatchewan’s Electricity System - Pathways to a Reliable, Cost-Effective, Clean Electricity Grid by 2035 by David D. Maenz, Ph.D.
See you in Court - Sask’s Big Oil-loving government won’t admit its fossil foolishness - Planet S (Oct 26, 2023)
For Immediate Release December 18, 2022:
There is a new marketing push from the Government of Saskatchewan to brand our province as "Sustainable Sask" - you may have seen advertising on Facebook and other social media. Their webpage shows flashy images of Saskatchewan landscapes along with fossil fuel infrastructure such as tank farms, pump jacks, and refineries. The truth is there is no path to sustainability that expands the fossil fuel industry. Saskatchewan people show up and pitch in when there is work to do. We have the best solar resource in Canada, excellent wind resources, and have so much potential to reduce energy consumption by focusing on efficiency. Burning of fossil fuels is responsible for 86% of CO2 emissions in the past decade. Countries are already forecast to produce: 240% more coal, 57% more oil and 71% more gas than is consistent with a 1.5C trajectory by 2030. There is no reason to expand fossil fuels other than perhaps shameless greed. Read the full details in this report: priceofoil.org/2021/11/12/fossil-fuelled-five-report/ Saskatchewan has the highest emissions per capita in Canada at 55.9 tonnes of CO2e– 216% above the national average of 17.7 tonnes per capita. Saskatchewan’s GHG emissions in 2020 were 65.9 MT of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Saskatchewan’s emissions have increased 46% since 1990 and declined only 8% since 2005. Details can be found here: www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles/provincial-territorial-energy-profiles-saskatchewan.html We have a long way to go to do our fair share. Sadly, our Premier, Scott Moe, doesn't care about our high GHG emissions per capita - see here: www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/premier-moe-care-comments-carbon-emissions-1.6416828) The energy transition to electrify and build only clean energy sources is already well underway around the world. The Rocky Mountain Institute published an excellent summary in October 2022 that can be found here: rmi.org/insight/the-energy-transition-narrative/ The International Energy Agency released the latest World Energy Outlook on October 27, 2022. For the first time ever, there is NO SCENARIO that sees continued long term growth of ANY fossil fuel including fossil gas (aka natural gas). www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2022 Don't fall for the glossy marketing trying to cast Saskatchewan's actions as "sustainable." Unlike our Premier, who doesn't care, there are many good people here at home working to end fossil fuel subsidies, working to promote clean energy, and striving to push policy makers to focus on efficiency and reduce waste. Join us in working to lead Saskatchewan to a sustainable future and help call out greenwashing. Happy Holidays! |
Who We AreThe Saskatchewan Coalition for Sustainable Development (SCSD) is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to advance sustainable development that balances economic, environmental, and social objectives.