Climate Justice Saskatoon
Climate Justice Saskatoon is one of the applicants in the court action Dykstra et al v SaskPower et al (KB -RG-848 of 2023).
Climate Justice Saskatoon (CJS) is a non-profit organization that advocates to help build a just and sustainable future for Saskatoon and the province of Saskatchewan. CJS has been organizing in the city since 2012 and has taken on projects that are relevant to the entire province. In 2018 CJS undertook the Future of Coal project that focused on the communities of Estevan and Coronach and a just transition for coal energy workers. CJS also was the lead organizing body of the Global Climate Strike action in Saskatoon in September 2019 that saw nearly 3,000 people converge on the Saskatoon Civic Square and march downtown calling for climate justice and climate action. CJS has also been actively engaged with municipal council in Saskatoon related to the development and implementation of the Saskatoon’s Low Emission Community Plan. More recently, CJS held a Day of Action for a Just Transition in March 2022 and participated in the RBC AGM Rally and Round Dance in April 2023 in front of the Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon. |
CJS is seeking public interest standing in this court action to continue to advocate for the rights of all Saskatchewan citizens and to accelerate the transition to clean energy. From the CJS affidavit: “The Supreme Court of Canada has stated that ‘climate change is an existential challenge’ and ‘a threat of the highest order to the country, and indeed the world.’ CJS is participating as an applicant in this action because the climate crisis represents a truly exceptional issue that needs the assistance of the Court to clarify how the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to government action that is intensifying the problem. CJS knows that the Respondents’ ongoing decisions to build new unabated fossil-gas-fired electrical generation assets will accelerate dangerous climate change and increase the harms to all citizens and the environment.”
CJS’s affidavit evidence was provided by Mark Bigland Pritchard on behalf of CJS. Mark is one of the founding members of CJS and his affidavit may be found here: