Kayla Hopkins
Kayla Hopkins farms west of Outlook raising cattle with her husband. Like many young farmers, Kayla supports her farming operation with off farm income. Kayla grew up in Saskatchewan on her parents' farm and aspires to be able to farm full time in the future.
Dangerous climate change is making that future uncertain. Kayla recognizes that adapting to extreme weather caused by climate change will be very difficult for farmers and ranchers in Saskatchewan. Kayla knows that we will need to adapt to a changing climate, but we must also mitigate the causes of dangerous climate change. SaskPower alone is responsible for emissions comparable to the entire agricultural sector of Saskatchewan and produces more GHG emissions annually than any Atlantic province in Canada. Kayla is participating in this Court Action as an applicant because she understands that climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels and she hopes the Court will find that the Government of Saskatchewan and SaskPower's actions to build new gas generation violates our Charter rights. Kayla and many other farmers/ranchers are making big changes to their farming practises to decrease their carbon footprint. Kayla asserts that a massive emitter like Saskpower needs to do the same, with the urgency that the climate emergency demands. "We have so many other options to generate clean electricity here in Saskatchewan, that we should not be building new power plants that will accelerate climate change." |
Kayla's affidavit can be read here: