Ryan Heise
My name is Ryan Heise - I also go by R.K. Heise. I’m a proud Métis man! I am also a proud father of four beautiful children who are my inspiration for climate action.
Our current climate crisis was not something I was particularly worried about until these past couple years. Oddly enough, I met my first group of climate friends on Twitter during the pandemic. After connecting with these amazing people, I got involved with their climate group called Common Action. A lot of good and informative discussions took place online with this group, and I learned a lot in our discussions. My involvement with Common Action led me to search out climate groups right here in Saskatoon that I could be involved with as well, which is how I became involved with Climate Justice Saskatoon and this litigation. Before this litigation, I felt really powerless to do anything of any significant impact. That’s a terrible place to be. It’s very disheartening. But, having spent a lot of time with climate activists online and in person, I’ve come to learn a few important things: 1) We’re quickly running out of time to avoid climate catastrophe, so we need to take action now. 2) It is our responsibility to every generation after us to leave behind a cleaner and healthier planet. One that is sustainable and thriving. 3) The last important thing I learned – and it’s the most important point of all – we can’t lose hope. So despite feeling powerless - despite the depression I face, knowing my children might suffer from our reckless dependency on fossil fuels - despite the anxiety and fear I have in the face of this danger – I now have an opportunity to take a big action - to make an impact - and it gives me hope. And I’m hoping that my action will inspire other people to take their own actions. I know it’s going to take a lot of work. But if we work together we can make a difference. I’m looking forward to creating a clean and sustainable world together. |
Ryan's affidavit can be read here: